I'm currently in Crete IL, visiting my family after my brothers wedding. I return to Minneapolis after over two months this saturday. Since not much is going on here in peaceful relaxing boring Crete IL, I will recall a funny/interesting new york experience:
The Sunday night before I left New York, I was returning from a walk around the Village, back to the church, were I found Jesse sitting on our front step reading and observing what was going on right in front of him. So I sat down next to him eating some local bakery snacks I just purchased down the street. Right in front of our building and us, was a huge FDNY fire truck parked half on the sidewalk half on the street. And in between us and that fire truck were 5 FDNY firefighters hanging out and flirting with three very attractive Austrailian girls, tourists. As they were talking to each other, I noticed just to my right no more then 5 feet away three french people in french talking about soccer. Now I dont speak french or understand it so how do I know that they we're talking about soccer. I know because this whole expeirence happenrd just a few hours after Italy defeated France in the World Cup Finals. What else would three French people be disussing then how France should have won the World Cup! Eventually the French people went away because next time I looked, they were gone. Meanwhile, the flirting reached a new level where the some of the aussie girls were talking pictures with the "manly" new york firefighters. One firefighter was particular flirty with one of Aussie girls. As this was happeing three or four new york girls walked up and one of the them called out to this flirty firefighter. Aparently he had been flirting with this new york girl at an earlier time and he had been caught. There was a big "ah oh" in the air. SO the aussie girls seeing that there firefigher boys were two timing, picked up there stuff and left. All of this happening right in front of us. It was very interesting to be observing all this, fdny firefights, aussie girls, french people, being caught all in Greenwich Village. Anyways, maybe you had to be there.