Saturday, November 26, 2005

Point Loma & the park

Yesterday, my dad and I walked to the Starbucks in La Jolla for breakfast. Taking my vanilla latte and banana bread we proceeded down to the beach. While walking back to my dad's place via the beach walkway, we saw a large crowd of seal chill'in on the beach. And there was one guy who kept making a line in the sand w/ a rake telling people to stay away from the seals and another kicking the sand and messing up the line that the other guy was raking. And they kept going up and done making the line, messing up the line, and so on. We left the seals and went back to my dads place. As he was getting ready I went back to the beach and saw a bunch of surfers surfing.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

So Cal

Last night I arrived at LAX where Dave and Jessica picked me. Immeditely we went to the famous In & Out burger. It was very good I must say, nothing particularly different, but good nontheless. After driving around LA for abit we parked near the beach in Santa Monica. We hung out there for a little bit before arriving at their apart a few block a while. The next morning we left Santa Monica at 10:15am en route to La Jolla, a really nice village just north of San Diego. With minor traffic delays we arrive at 1pm and say my dad's apartment. We then walk a few block to Georges Restrurant, a very nice and high class place, for Thanksgiving dinner. It was the nicest resturant ive ever been to, the type of place w/ white table clothes and where a bunch of people bring your food out all at once. We had a nice Califonian wine and good turkey dinner. After dinner we walked around looking for coffee, but everything was closed, even starbucks. We wandered back to my dad's apartment where he has no furniture, and all fell a sleep on the floor. Turkey nap on the floor.